Core Values
Based upon our beliefs, the four core values that define who and what we are as a church are as follows:
- A strong Children's and Youth Ministry in which the young of this church are not in the background, but have equal value in the eyes of this body.
- We believe in Family and Fellowship in all we do and stand for. We will try to offer ministry that supports and builds both the family and the Church family through our Ministry.
- We have as a spiritual gift, the Gift of Being "Helpers". This is a gift of reaching out to support and encourage other Missions and Ministries that are not housed in Woodridge Christian Church. Such as the work of our Women's Fellowship Group or the "Bring in Groceries" program, to name a few.
- We have a strong history of music and the use of Music in our Ministry. We support and worship experience of the congregation.
As we move forward, let us reflect and keep as our central focus not only our Vision Statement, but these core values as well. So that in all we do we will ask the question, "Where does this fit in with our basic values?"